load multiple shader chunks from a single file and return a lookup
table of name=code for each shader we just loaded. These can then be
compiled or whatever.
set flags.headers_only to true if you only care about parsing headers
for later inclusion and do not want to parse shader chunks.
#SHADER "nameofshader"
is used at the start of a line to say which chunk the following text
should go into. This is technically the same as #header but makes it
explicit that this should be all the code for a shader rather than just
a piece.
#HEADER "nameofheader"
can be used to define part of a shader, which can later be included in
another shader by using
#INCLUDE "nameofheader"
Will insert the chunk of text previously defined as a #SHADER or #HEADER
without a name can be used to ignore the next part of a file, any text
at the start of a file before the first #SHADER or #HEADER is also
ignored. This enables these chunks to exist inside comments in a lua or
whatever file.