Manage file paths under linux or windows, so we need to deal with \ or / and know the root difference between / and C:\
local wpath=require("wetgenes.path")
Get the current working directory, this requires lfs and if lfs is not available then it will return wpath.root this path will have a trailing separator so can be joined directly to a filename.
local dir=wpath.dir(path)
This is a small utility function to perform a wpath.resolve then wpath.parse and return the dir component of the result.
local ext=wpath.ext(path)
This is a small utility function to perform a wpath.resolve then wpath.parse and return the ext component of the result.
local folder=wpath.folder(path)
This is a small utility function to perform a wpath.resolve then wpath.parse and return the folder component of the result.
join a split path, tables are auto expanded
This is a small utility function to perform a wpath.resolve then wpath.parse and return the name component of the result.
remove ".." and "." components from the path string
Resolve input and go up a single directory level, ideally you should pass in a directory, IE a string that ends in / or \ and we will return the parent of this directory.
If called repeatedly, then eventually we will return wpath.root
split a path into named parts like so
| path |
| dir | file |
| root [1] | folder [2] | name [3] | ext [4] |
| / | home/user/ | file | .txt |
this can be reversed with simple joins and checks for nil, note that [1][2][3][4] are forced strings so will be "" rather than nil unlike their named counterparts. This means you may use wpath.join to reverse this parsing.
dir = (root or "")..(folder or "")
file = (name or "")..(ext or "")
path = (dir or "")..(file or "")
path = (root or "")..(folder or "")..(name or "")..(ext or "")
path = [1]..[2]..[3]..[4]
path = wpath.join(it)
if root is set then it implies an absolute path and will be something like C:\ under windows.
Build a relative path from point a to point b this will probably be a bunch of ../../../ followed by some of the ending of the second argument.
Join all path segments and resolve them to absolute using wpath.join and wpath.normalize with a prepended wpath.currentdir as necessary.
local root=wpath.root(path)
This is a small utility function to perform a wpath.resolve then wpath.parse and return the root component of the result.
setup for windows or linux style paths, to force one or the other use
We automatically call this at startup and make a best guess, you can revert to this best guess with
This is a global setting, so be careful with changes. Mostly its probably best to stick with the best guess unless we are mistakenly guessing windows.
split a path into numbered components