Episode 171115
Today's extra crispy ranty episode includes a special dramatisation of stick figures and is brought to you by studio guests, a Dell Inspiron 1545 and Paul Richards of the Bradford Photographic Society.
Listen in as we bork bork about Talk Talk, moan and groan at the return of the Snoopers Charter before we snigger at pilots with fat fingers, discuss a 19 page manual on drone fondling, witter on about Twitter hearts and introduce a new segment, "Shi’s World of Stuff" to chat about the rather cheap CHIP uhm, chip and end the show with some lovely local events after a quick nod at the recently released openSUSE Leap 42.1
Coder Dojo Badonkadonk GAMAYO9 Yorkshire Sound Women Network OGGCAMP15 CHIP vs Pi Zero Hands on with C.H.I.P. ("The World's First Nine Dollar Computer") Here's how TalkTalk ducked and dived over THAT gigantic hack TalkTalk hired BAE Systems' infosec bods before THAT hack Snooper's Charter 101 Please share iPad data entry errors caused plane to strike runway during takeoff openSUSE Leap 42.1