Hallo lifeforms welcome to IT Stuff, car crash radio about the car crash of technology. Living the future with us today are co-presenters Kriss, Shi and our very special guest, Edafe.
Our topics include:
Artificial intelligence
Self driving cars
Facebook not-quite-deleted videos
Grindr data explosion
Social Sentinel
VICE vs RealSexyCyborg
Youtube of the Month:
Revision Party
Gun ban drives bloggers to Pornhub
Shooting at HQ
Bitcoin Watch:
Crypto Heater Quarnot QC-1 2900€ 650W
World of Stuff:
End of the CHIP as we know it
Apple New Chip
Magic Leap headsets paranoia
Oculus Rift outage
Local Events
April 10 Bradlug 7pm @ bcbradio http://bradlug.co.uk/
April 11 Badonkadonk http://meetup.com/badonkadonk 7pm Spoons
April 28 Coder Dojo https://bradford-coderdojo.github.io at 09:30 - 12:00
May 31-June 2 Feral Vector Hebden Bridge http://feral-vector.com/ tickets on sale now
BCB IT Stuff recording 4 April 2018 transmission 5/6 April 2018
[0] Hallo lifeforms welcome to IT Stuff, car crash radio about the car crash of technology. Yep we've literally got a car crash coming up, along with stuff about Facebook and bitcoin and Youtube, World of Stuff and local events. Living the future with us today copresenters Kriss, Shi and Edafe.
[2 Min] So. Artificial intelligence. Self driving cars. What could possibly go wrong? Just a couple of weeks ago in Arizona in the States an experimental self-driving car hit and killed someone. Uber. 'Safety driver' looked inattentive. Another Tesla driver got killed too. Alexa crazy laughing, hookup with Lancashire police “to broadcast crime updates, photos of wanted and missing people, and safety notifications to Amazon Echo owners” & soon to report crimes
[6 Min] This month's other wreck is Facebook, we've been telling you for years they're bad and we don't do Facebook, maybe now you're listening. Call history, deleted videos. Musk deleted his. GDPR.[ZUCKS GREATEST HITS] It's not just Facebook, Grindr is in bother (what's Grindr) they have been sharing some very personal data, non-encrypted too, their justification was basically everybody else does the same
[10 Min] Coming soon - Porn age verification It can fine you, it can block you ... but it can only suggest you protect data - Social Sentinel suicide terms, 'protest,' 'Black Lives Matter' or 'Muslim Lives Matter'
[12 Min] [NEW JINGLE!] Bitcoin Quickie Crypto Heater Quarnot QC-1 2900€ 650W
[14 Min] You're listening to IT Stuff here on BCB Radio, we're on 106.6fm, listen live on radioplayer, listen again all that why bother even mentioning it? the show's half finished, here's...
End of CHIP
Apple New Chip
Magic Leap headsets on the way, demanding that developers keep test units in a locked safe
Oculus Rift outage, cert expired, $15 store credit, who owns Oculus?
Another day on the nets 1. @RealSexyCyborg asks @VICE not to report on her relationship status 2. @VICE does so anyway 3. @RealSexyCyborg asks to see article ahead of publishing 4. @VICE refuses 5. @RealSexyCyborg tells Twitter about this breach of contract 6. @VICE gets her Patreon shut down
[19 Min] You Poop
Revision Party
Gun ban drives bloggers to Pornhub "We will not be seeking any monetisation from PornHub... we are merely looking for a safe harbour for our content and for our viewers,"
Shooting at HQ - dead person peeved about Youtube stopping payments - Radical Vegan
[22 Min] Local Events
April 10 Bradlug 7pm @ bcbradio http://bradlug.co.uk/
April 11 Badonkadonk http://meetup.com/badonkadonk 7pm Spoons
April 28 Coder Dojo https://bradford-coderdojo.github.io at 09:30 - 12:00
May 31-June 2 Feral Vector Hebden Bridge http://feral-vector.com/ tickets on sale now
Beware of scam Eventbrite, buzzwords + places + hundreds of dollars = spam eg. “Learn to Develop a Successful AI Startup Company Today”
[25 Min] Musicstuffs
Upcoming album from Spray, courtesy of their Youtube channel here's a taster medley from their rehearsal studio.
Broadcast 5th & 6th April 2018