/ /cmd /cmd.plated /cmd.plated.build /cmd.plated.watch/html /html.plated /html.plated.chunks /html.plated.files /html.plated.macros /html.plated.operators/html.plated_plugin /html.plated_plugin.blog /html.plated_plugin.copy /html.plated_plugin.docs /html.plated_plugin.import /html.plated_plugin.redirect/js /js.plated /js.plated.blog /js.plated.build /js.plated.micro /js.plated.plugin /js.plated.setup /js.plated.watch/js.plated_chunks /js.plated_chunks.deepmerge /js.plated_chunks.delimiter_close_str /js.plated_chunks.delimiter_open_str /js.plated_chunks.delimiter_wrap_str /js.plated_chunks.expand_tag /js.plated_chunks.fill_chunks /js.plated_chunks.format_chunks /js.plated_chunks.lookup /js.plated_chunks.lookup_in_namespace /js.plated_chunks.markdown /js.plated_chunks.merge_namespace /js.plated_chunks.pop_namespace /js.plated_chunks.prepare /js.plated_chunks.push_namespace /js.plated_chunks.remove_underscorechunks /js.plated_chunks.replace /js.plated_chunks.replace_once /js.plated_chunks.reset_namespace /js.plated_chunks.set_namespace/js.plated_files /js.plated_files.base_files_to_chunks /js.plated_files.build /js.plated_files.build_file /js.plated_files.empty_cache /js.plated_files.empty_folder /js.plated_files.exists /js.plated_files.file_to_chunks /js.plated_files.filename_fixup /js.plated_files.filename_is_basechunk /js.plated_files.filename_is_plated /js.plated_files.filename_to_dirname /js.plated_files.filename_to_output /js.plated_files.find_dirs /js.plated_files.find_files /js.plated_files.joinpath /js.plated_files.lstat /js.plated_files.mkdir /js.plated_files.prepare_namespace /js.plated_files.readdir /js.plated_files.set_source /js.plated_files.source_to_output /js.plated_files.stat /js.plated_files.trimpath /js.plated_files.watch /js.plated_files.write/js.plated_output /js.plated_output.remember /js.plated_output.remember_and_write /js.plated_output.write /js.plated_output.write_all /js.plated_output.write_map/js.plated_plugin /js.plated_plugin.blog /js.plated_plugin.blog.process_dirs /js.plated_plugin.blog.process_file/js.plated_plugin.copy /js.plated_plugin.copy.process_dirs /js.plated_plugin.copy.process_file /js.plated_plugin.copy.process_output/js.plated_plugin.docs /js.plated_plugin.docs.process_dirs /js.plated_plugin.docs.process_file/js.plated_plugin.import /js.plated_plugin.import.process_file/js.plated_plugin.redirect /js.plated_plugin.redirect.process_dirs /js.plated_plugin.redirect.process_file


plated build 

The build action, output files are created once and then the command returns.


How we should link to this site if the link can not be relative, eg normally we would just use /index.html to reach a file in the root of the current site but if this html is going to be rendered somewhere else then this trick would no longer work and we would have to use this value instead. An example of when this might happen is the publishing of rss feeds.


The root of the site we are building, normally empty in which case we maintain a relative path back to the root depending on how far we have descended into the directory structure, eg ../../ It is recomended that this be used whenever constructing a url, for instance linking to the root index.html should be done like sp {_root}index.html rather than /index.html if you want to ensure you have a site that can be built into a directory as well as a domain.


Where to read the source files from, this is relative to the current directory and all files are found recursively from this point. We also follow soft directory symlinks so we can easily pull in extra files from elsewhere.


The output directory relative to the current directory. Please be very careful with this location as this will be emptied recursively before we write anything into it.


The magic string used to trigger special chunk parsing, files are either scoped to the directory in which case they are just this magic string plus any extension. For example ^.html or they are intended to create specific files in which case ^. will be stripped and the remainder used as an output. For example index.^.html which would create an index.html in the output, the extension is used to pick the chunk that is rendered into the output file. In this case it would be the html chunk.


The magic string used to split the input files into chunks, it must be used at the start of a line to trigger special processing and the default has been specifically chosen as something unlikely to be typed by accident.


The magic string used to wrap tags for special processing in chunk files. We split this string in the middle with the beginning getting the larger half of the string from any odd length. This means "${}" will work as expected with the opener being "${" and the closer "}". The default of "{}", might look dangerous for C like languages which use {} to wrap blocks but due to the limits on contents (no white space) and the fallback of outputting exactly the same as the input, eg {} will output {}. C like languages are very unlikely to trigger any special processing.


A Boolean flag to enable the output of .json chunk dumps as well as processed output files. This is useful for debugging and also provides enough data to recreate pages at run time should that be necessary.