/ /cmd /cmd.plated /cmd.plated.build /cmd.plated.watch/html /html.plated /html.plated.chunks /html.plated.files /html.plated.macros /html.plated.operators/html.plated_plugin /html.plated_plugin.blog /html.plated_plugin.copy /html.plated_plugin.docs /html.plated_plugin.import /html.plated_plugin.redirect/js /js.plated /js.plated.blog /js.plated.build /js.plated.micro /js.plated.plugin /js.plated.setup /js.plated.watch/js.plated_chunks /js.plated_chunks.deepmerge /js.plated_chunks.delimiter_close_str /js.plated_chunks.delimiter_open_str /js.plated_chunks.delimiter_wrap_str /js.plated_chunks.expand_tag /js.plated_chunks.fill_chunks /js.plated_chunks.format_chunks /js.plated_chunks.lookup /js.plated_chunks.lookup_in_namespace /js.plated_chunks.markdown /js.plated_chunks.merge_namespace /js.plated_chunks.pop_namespace /js.plated_chunks.prepare /js.plated_chunks.push_namespace /js.plated_chunks.remove_underscorechunks /js.plated_chunks.replace /js.plated_chunks.replace_once /js.plated_chunks.reset_namespace /js.plated_chunks.set_namespace/js.plated_files /js.plated_files.base_files_to_chunks /js.plated_files.build /js.plated_files.build_file /js.plated_files.empty_cache /js.plated_files.empty_folder /js.plated_files.exists /js.plated_files.file_to_chunks /js.plated_files.filename_fixup /js.plated_files.filename_is_basechunk /js.plated_files.filename_is_plated /js.plated_files.filename_to_dirname /js.plated_files.filename_to_output /js.plated_files.find_dirs /js.plated_files.find_files /js.plated_files.joinpath /js.plated_files.lstat /js.plated_files.mkdir /js.plated_files.prepare_namespace /js.plated_files.readdir /js.plated_files.set_source /js.plated_files.source_to_output /js.plated_files.stat /js.plated_files.trimpath /js.plated_files.watch /js.plated_files.write/js.plated_output /js.plated_output.remember /js.plated_output.remember_and_write /js.plated_output.write /js.plated_output.write_all /js.plated_output.write_map/js.plated_plugin /js.plated_plugin.blog /js.plated_plugin.blog.process_dirs /js.plated_plugin.blog.process_file/js.plated_plugin.copy /js.plated_plugin.copy.process_dirs /js.plated_plugin.copy.process_file /js.plated_plugin.copy.process_output/js.plated_plugin.docs /js.plated_plugin.docs.process_dirs /js.plated_plugin.docs.process_file/js.plated_plugin.import /js.plated_plugin.import.process_file/js.plated_plugin.redirect /js.plated_plugin.redirect.process_dirs /js.plated_plugin.redirect.process_file


Chunk files are parsed one line at a time to break them into a number of named chunks, lines that begin with the special characters #^ trigger special processing all other lines are simple assigned to the current chunk. eg:

here is some text
that will be assigned to chunkname

A chunk ends when we run out of file or we start another chunk.

As well as the chunk name we can also add some flags to change how the chunk is processed. These flags are added by name=value pairs after the chunkname and separated by white space.

#^chunkname flag=value otherflag=othervalue

These values are intended to change how the chunk is processed here are the ones that we currently support. Multiple flags can of course be applied to the same chunk.

#^chunkname trim=ends

This flag will cause all whitespace to be removed from the beginning and end of the chunk. Useful if you intend to include a chunk in a html attributes as newlines would would mess that up.

#^chunkname form=json

Parse the text as json, this allows for structured data or arrays to be defined in chunks. This data can be referenced inside macro expansion using the . operator to reference members. Most plugins have a json chunk containing their settings.

#^chunkname form=markdown

This text will be parsed as markdown and converted into html. Markdown is an easy way to create simple formated content for blog posts or just pages in general. Note that the default format is just to leave the text of the chunk unprocessed which means normal html tags.

Chunk names that begin with an underscore are considered internal plated chunks ans some will be provided by the plated code for each page rendered. Here is a list of chunks that will be provided by the system.

#^chunkname same=replace

This alters how we replace chunks when they are declared twice, normally the chunk in the lowest level will simply replace a chunk declared elsewhere. This is the default setting.

#^chunkname same=append

If we change to append mode then chunks lower down will be appended to the higher up chunks. This is very useful for css chunks where we can append rules as we cascade down and these rules will take precedence over the earlier rules due to the magic of css.

#^chunkname same=merge

This should only be used with a json chunk, it merges the data with its parent chunk so we can change or add values as we cascade down through the directories similar to append but working as objects rather than just plan text. This is why it should only be used with json chunks.


This will be set to a url that gets to the root of this website and should be used in front of all urls to make sure that we can find the files we want. This can be passed in on the command line and / is a good way to think of this value. The default is actually for plated to provide a relative url such as ../../ that would get you to the root of the site from the current page. You should be using _root as the prefix for all urls when including css or js or images etc in a html file.


Similar to root but intended to explicitly link to the root of the named site. This is intended for use in links that can never be relative to the current url so must be full and explicit urls, eg in RSS feeds.


This will be set to the filename of the input source file that we are currently rendering.


This will be set to url of the file that we are currently rendering.


This will be set to url of the directory containing the file that we are currently rendering.


This is an object containing flag data for the defined chunks, most chunks will not have any flags defined but if they are they can be found in for example _flags.chunkname.flagname which would hold the value of flagname for the given chunkname. This is really just for internal processing and should not need to be referenced by the user.

As well as the provided chunks there are some special names exist to trigger plugin behaviour and need to be defined with the correct configuration data, for instance


Is the name of a chunk containing configuration data in json format that enables the docs plugin to create pages such as the ones that you are currently reading. See html.plated.plugins for documentation on how to use them and what data must be provided. All you need to know is that any chunk name that begins with an underscore belongs to the plated system itself and must only be created according to the documentation.

As well as chunknames there are two other things we can do with special characters at the start of a line.

#^-this is a comment line

The comment line will simply be ignored, in case you wish to include some comments about what a chunk will be used for.


Allows the redefinition of the magic string, for the rest of the file, in this case, it would be ## instead of #^ but any string could be used. This is intended as an escape clause in case the magic string is undesirable in a certain file. It can also be changed on the command line when plated is invoked if you wish to change it globally.