/ /cmd /cmd.plated /cmd.plated.build /cmd.plated.watch/html /html.plated /html.plated.chunks /html.plated.files /html.plated.macros /html.plated.operators/html.plated_plugin /html.plated_plugin.blog /html.plated_plugin.copy /html.plated_plugin.docs /html.plated_plugin.import /html.plated_plugin.redirect/js /js.plated /js.plated.blog /js.plated.build /js.plated.micro /js.plated.plugin /js.plated.setup /js.plated.watch/js.plated_chunks /js.plated_chunks.deepmerge /js.plated_chunks.delimiter_close_str /js.plated_chunks.delimiter_open_str /js.plated_chunks.delimiter_wrap_str /js.plated_chunks.expand_tag /js.plated_chunks.fill_chunks /js.plated_chunks.format_chunks /js.plated_chunks.lookup /js.plated_chunks.lookup_in_namespace /js.plated_chunks.markdown /js.plated_chunks.merge_namespace /js.plated_chunks.pop_namespace /js.plated_chunks.prepare /js.plated_chunks.push_namespace /js.plated_chunks.remove_underscorechunks /js.plated_chunks.replace /js.plated_chunks.replace_once /js.plated_chunks.reset_namespace /js.plated_chunks.set_namespace/js.plated_files /js.plated_files.base_files_to_chunks /js.plated_files.build /js.plated_files.build_file /js.plated_files.empty_cache /js.plated_files.empty_folder /js.plated_files.exists /js.plated_files.file_to_chunks /js.plated_files.filename_fixup /js.plated_files.filename_is_basechunk /js.plated_files.filename_is_plated /js.plated_files.filename_to_dirname /js.plated_files.filename_to_output /js.plated_files.find_dirs /js.plated_files.find_files /js.plated_files.joinpath /js.plated_files.lstat /js.plated_files.mkdir /js.plated_files.prepare_namespace /js.plated_files.readdir /js.plated_files.set_source /js.plated_files.source_to_output /js.plated_files.stat /js.plated_files.trimpath /js.plated_files.watch /js.plated_files.write/js.plated_output /js.plated_output.remember /js.plated_output.remember_and_write /js.plated_output.write /js.plated_output.write_all /js.plated_output.write_map/js.plated_plugin /js.plated_plugin.blog /js.plated_plugin.blog.process_dirs /js.plated_plugin.blog.process_file/js.plated_plugin.copy /js.plated_plugin.copy.process_dirs /js.plated_plugin.copy.process_file /js.plated_plugin.copy.process_output/js.plated_plugin.docs /js.plated_plugin.docs.process_dirs /js.plated_plugin.docs.process_file/js.plated_plugin.import /js.plated_plugin.import.process_file/js.plated_plugin.redirect /js.plated_plugin.redirect.process_dirs /js.plated_plugin.redirect.process_file


Manage the chunks of text that are combined into a page.

This module only exposes one function, which is used to create the actual module with bound state data.

plated_chunks = require("./plated_chunks.js").create(opts,plated)

This is called automatically when the plated module is created and the return value is made available in plated.chunks note that all of these modules are bound together and operate as a group with shared data.

In the future when we talk about this module and its available functions we are referring to the return value from this create function.


too = plated_chunks.deepmerge(frm,too,_flags)

Merge the object, frm, into an object too. How values merge can be adjusted by _flags the same way _flags works in parsing chunks. same=merge is honoured here so some chunks can be appended rather than replace. We need to keep this separate as the act of merging will break how such things work.

This function is called recursively so as not to end up sharing values with any inputs.


s = plated_chunks.delimiter_close_str()

Return the last half of the opts.delimiter string.


s = plated_chunks.delimiter_open_str()

Return the first half of the opts.delimiter string.


s = plated_chunks.delimiter_wrap_str(s)

Return the given string wrapped in the opts.delimiter string.


value = plated_chunks.expand_tag(v,dat,lastpass)

Do all the magical things that enables a tag to expand, normally we just lookup the value inside dat but a few operators can be applied.

if dat is null then we use data pushed into the namespaces otherwise we will only use data available in dat but will still lookup plates from namespaces.

Operators are applied from left to right so we have no precedence besides this.

If we fail to lookup a valid value then we return input string wrapped in delimiters, essentially any values we do not understand will come out of the process unscathed exactly as they went in.

There must be no white space inside {} or we will not process it.

This combined is why we can safely use {} rather than {{}} and any accidental use will survive.


chunks = plated_chunks.fill_chunks(str,chunks)

break a string into chunks ( can merged with or replace other chunks ) so chunks can be a previously filled list of chunks that we will combine any chunks we find in the string with.

A chunk is defined by a line that begins with #^ this has been chosen so as not to be something that occurs by mistake in any language, but can be altered either inside the chunk file or via the command line opts. Note that any future reference is referring to this default and would work with any other string if this has been changed.

A line that begins with #^=## would redefine this from one to the other for the remainder of the file and can be changed globally by the option opt.hashchunk

The first word after this would be the name of the chunk and can then be followed by a number of optional flag arguments like flag=value we store these flags in the chunks table using chunks._flags[name]=value this includes trimming options and request for how chunks should be merged.

A comment begins with #^- and the rest of the line will be ignored.

The flag same=append will cause future chunks of the same name to be appended to this chunk rather than replace it. This is useful for CSS chunks where we wish to bubble down css values into sub directories.


chunks = plated_chunks.format_chunks(chunks)

Process the chunks according to their flags, a chunk with trim=ends set will have white space removed from its beginning and end.

A chunk with form=json will be parsed as json rather than a string. It can then be referenced inside chunks using chunk.member style lookups.

A chunk with form=markdown will be processed as markdown and turned into a html string.


chunks = plated_chunks.lookup(str,dat)

lookup the string inside dat, the string can use dot notation such as parent.member to lookup a value inside an object.

Numbers can also be used to reverence arrays such as array.0 or array.1 and negative indexes such as array.-1 can be used to fetch the last value from the array.


chunks = plated_chunks.lookup_in_namespace(str)

lookup the string inside all namespaces using the same rules as plated_chunks.lookup


html = plated_chunks.markdown(str)

Convert a markdown string to a html string. As a personal quirk We keep newlines a little more eagerly than standard markdown allowing some control over the spacing between your text.

Markdown is hardly a standard thing, after all.


chunks = plated_chunks.merge_namespace(dat)

Merge all of the namespaces together, along with the dat, then return this new set of chunks for easy lookup it should be safe to modify the output merged chunks without accidentally changing anything in the namespace.

This gives us a final chunks object that we can use to build the output page.



Remove last namespace from top of the stack.


array = plated_chunks.prepare(chunks)

break a string on {data} ready to find the lookup values and do all the templating actions. This just gets us an array of string parts we can easily parse.



Add this value into the namespaces, we check this namespace as well as the current chunk data when filling in chunks.


newchunks = plated_chunks.remove_underscorechunks(chunks)

Remove any chunks that begin with "_" these are all internal chunks used by plated code. The user should not be creating any chunks whose names begin with an underscore. Also none of these chunks should ever bubble down through the heirachy, they belong only to the page in which they are created..

A new object full of only chunks that do not begin with an underscore is returned.


value = plated_chunks.replace(str,dat)

Repeatedly call replace_once until all things that can expand, have expanded, or we ran out of sanity. Sanity is 100 levels of recursion, just to be on the safe side.

We then call a final replace_once with the lastpass flag set.

if dat is null then we use data pushed into the namespaces otherwise we will only use data available in dat.


chunks = plated_chunks.replace_once(str,dat,lastpass)

Parse the str and replace {} values once only using dat values. lastpass is a flag as on the lastpass we allow final expansion and removal.

We can use {[} {]} around areas of text to prevent further expansion inside. So we can talk about plated inside plated, this is necesary for our documentation.



clear the namespace, a namespace is a list of chunks that will be merged together as we descend into directories. The lower or later chunks replacing or merging with the previous ones.



Set the namespace to the given value.