Episode 121219

Welcome to IT Stuff, the opinion based stuff show that's about IT. Vaguely. It's a world of pain out there right now, Yahoo Groups is about to be lost forever.

BCB IT Stuff recording 12 December 2019 transmission 13/14 December 2019 [0 Min] Welcome to IT Stuff, the opinion based stuff show that's about IT. Vaguely. It's a world of pain out there right now, Yahoo Groups is about to be lost forever. So come with us as we all hit rock bottom together, your companions in gloom will be Kriss and Shi, and I'm depressed beyond pills. [2 Min] Eco news air based vegan meat from Air Protein in California - NASA idea from the 60s - feed CO2 to microorganisms called hydrogenotrophs in fermentation tanks -> 80% protein pale brown powder with a “neutral flavour”. [5 Min] James Dean resurrected via CGI to play support in a rubbish film wat. [7 Min] Security news, uncovered is a group of russian baddies that's hacked over 100m from banks. They call themselves Evil Corp which is an odd plot twist for Mr Robot Season 4. And it turns out governments can seize back bitcoin, HK and Iran and Lebanon. Mr Robot plot twist for the real fictional Evil Corp. Dodgy governments shutting down internets is a thing. Another massive data leak, one billion people. [11 Min] Nearly half done with IT Radio 106.6fm on BCB Stuff. My name is not important. We cast our pods onto itstuff dot org dot uk. And there's a thing, because dot org is in peril! The story so far: the price of dot org domains was price capped, ISOC the governing body abolished the price cap, now they're selling dot org to a single bidder for over a billion, the bidder Ethos Capital is owned by nasty rich people and headed up by somebody who used to be on ICANN, a related governing body. There's talk of dot org domains going up to fifty quid or more if they get away with it. [13 Min] World of Stuff [WORLDOFSTUFF] Snap Spectacles 3, and Chinese train TP [17 Min] Singularity Watch [SINGULARITY] AI Dungeon 2 infinitely generated text adventure, and Lee Sedol quits ;_; [21 Min] Time for Go Home Elon You're Drunk [HARAMBE] busy month for Elon! First the launch of the Cybertruck, it's got unbreakable windows (guess what happened at the official launch, $700m off the Tesla share price), then got away with calling somebody 'pedo guy' on Twitter, and finished off by driving round in his new personal cybertruck that isn't actually street legal yet and reversed it into some bollards. Crunch. And his interweb satellites are ruining astronomy. [24 Min] Finally we turn to Brian Eno (the Paul Erdos of music) Eno staged an intervention in the election campaign by posting a ditty on Yannis Varoufakis's soundcloud. If there are any Eno completists out there, this is a teachable moment. [26 Min] Anyway to play us out here's a Half Man Half Biscuit, Eno Collaboration.
Broadcast 13th & 14th December 2019